Monday, July 27, 2015

EFT for Methamphetamine Addiction - Yasmin, Third Session

In a continuing series of articles written just after the treatment, this is Yasmin's important third session of EFT, or Emotional Freedom Techniques. The session was only 16 minutes, as Yasmin only had a short break from work, but we achieved a start on a central issue causing stress, and so it was worth it.

We started tapping straight away, tapping on ourselves something as follows.

    "Even though I have this addiction, I deeply love and accept myself"; when Yasmin interrupted with "I am starting to accept myself", and so we changed it to that.
    "Even though I have this addiction, I allow healing to help me. I am making progress and choose to be proud of myself."
    "Even though on the road to recovery, sometimes we slip and fall, I don't need to concentrate on the bad days, it's not helpful. I release the guilt and shame, and I choose to concentrate on the good days. I choose to be proud of the good days."

And we carried on with: "Even though I have this addiction, I am willing to consider that I am an emotional person, just like everybody else. And I am open to the suggestion that I have negative emotions that the Tik drugs or distracts me from, and that by releasing these negative emotions, I will find peace. I choose to release the first emotion that comes to my head, on the count of three; 1, 2, 3"... And Yasmin immediately started a release with tears, so I started tapping on her as she continued releasing whilst telling me the story. Her child's father had walked out on them recently. I encouraged her to tell me about it as I tapped, and then wrapped it up as we were approaching the time she should leave to go back to work. By then she was a lot calmer. I instructed her to tap on all the points as she told herself the story, when she got back home.

We finished with a calming Reiki treatment for three minutes, and made another appointment. Yasmin contacted me later to say that she was feeling better and that she had a craving at one point sometime after our appointment but was able to let it pass. One step at a time, Yasmin is walking in the right direction on the road to recovery. If you are a user or help drug users in their recovery, I hope this gives you optimism in the way forward with the new tapping techniques such as EFT.

What is the Yasmin Birth Control Patch? Take a Look at Some Facts

Birth control pills tend to have many health benefits along with the fact that they help to prevent pregnancy. Make sure to discuss all concerns and benefits with your doctor before taking any type of birth control. He or she will need to take a look at your health history before prescribing the right type of medication. Choosing the best contraceptive method requires some research. Below you will find some information on the Yasmin Birth Control Patch.

What is Yasmin?

Yasmin is a low dosage method, which contains.03 mg mixture of estrogen and progestin. Yasmin is the over the counter name for drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol. When these two are combined, it creates an oral contraception. Yasmin must not be mixed with different drugs that are over-the-counter, such as pain medication, diuretics that are potassium sparing, any potassium supplements, or several different prescribed medications. It is always important to discuss this with your doctor. Yasmin does not prevent HIV.

Who Should Avoid Yasmin?

- Any woman that has had a heart attack, stroke, blood clots and/or various cancers.
- Whoever may be pregnant
- People who have adrenal, liver or kidney disease. Heart and health issues could potentially occur.
- Women over 35 years of age who smoke.

Benefits of Yasmin Patch

- It helps to relieve premenstrual symptom disorders. Blood flow during this time should be reduced.
- No extra weight gain. Many other prescriptions are known to increase weight in women.
- Helps to control and prevent acne breakouts.
- May help to prevent certain types of cysts. Since ovulation ceases, the risks with ovarian cysts decrease as well.
- Prevents ectopic pregnancies.
- The risk of endometrial cancer is decreased.
- Unlike certain other methods, the Yasmin patch works better the longer you use it. So even when you stop taking it, the effects of the drug are still present and are much stronger for a period of time.

Side Effects of Yasmin

- Bleeding between periods.
- Increased risk of water retention
- Malasma risks. This is where the skin forms dark spotty patches due to the changes in the hormones.
- Nausea
- Tender breasts

Be sure to see your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.